3 checks for tingkat delivery
There are many Tingkat providers to choose from and they vary a lot in what they serve, where they deliver, and how much it will cost you. Some of them have extra administrative charges and some don’t do deliveries to condominiums. There’s a multitude of factors to consider if you are thinking about ordering a Tingkat and trying to get the most bang for your buck. With so many things to consider, what should you focus on to make your decision?
The most important factor in your choice should be what’s on the menu. You may be ordering Tingkat delivery service because you don’t have time to prepare dinner or you may like the convenience. Regardless of whether you are ordering for yourself or for your family, the most important thing is that the food isn’t boring. All Tingkat services have one thing in common and that is the duration that you must stick to their service. You will have to eat whatever is delivered for consecutive weekdays for a month (at least). If you get sick of the food fast, that month will be a long and torturous one.
The point is that there is no point opting for the cheapest tingkat singapore catering if they serve the same dishes week after week because you will end up looking for other things to eat for dinner instead.
So, what makes a good Tingkat menu, here is my tingkat review Singapore?
1. Variety
Is there variety in the types of dishes every day? Do they serve pork/chicken every day? Are all the dishes fried? Are the dishes always described as drenched in a heavy sauce?
Look out for variety from things you know you will get sick of. Not everyone can say that they will willingly eat fried foods every dinner for a whole month. Similarly, not everyone can eat the same kind of meat every day either. It’s about whether the variety suits your preferences and you should look out for that.
2. Customizability
The more customizable the menu is, the better it is for you and the earth. To prevent food wastage, it would be ideal if you could let them know your food preferences beforehand. For instance, some people don’t eat fish — they could have a seafood allergy, or they could simply not like the taste. Whatever the reasons, it doesn’t make sense for you to pay for food you won’t end up eating anyways. That’s both a waste of food and money.
Le Xin Catering has the most comprehensive online order form for their Tingkat service. You can state your food preferences and they also let you customize a set day for eating out. Le Xin Catering offers the best catering tingkat menu, low in salt and uses healthier oil.
3. Healthier choice
If you ever look through the menu and find yourself thinking that half the items are dishes you would never order for yourself then that is not the Tingkat for you. Most of us will look for healthier choice, less oil and no msg for our best catering tingkat menu. The soup choice is crazy and it is boiled daily for many hours slowly for the flavour to rich. It is pretty difficult to find tingkat in Singapore with no msg for their soup so this is my first choice.
We all struggle with the universal question of “what to eat today” and it can be daunting when you essentially have to decide what to eat for the month ahead with one simple order form. It can be hard to decipher but to put it simply, what matters the most is that you are able to stick to that one month plan.
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