Cheapest tingkat in Singapore that worth a try

As a working middle income family with kids living in a cosmopolitan city such as Singapore, you are faced with daily challenges such as sending your kids to schools on time, commuting to work in crowded public transport, rushing for a quick bite among the lunch crowd, work challenges faced in workplace, getting knock off on time to pick up the kids, and finally, rushing home to get dinner ready.
Yes, this is the lifestyle of the average working class living in Singapore. With this much of activities in a full day, it really kind of drains your energy by the time you are settled down on the bed. Where’s the work-life balance we are talking here?
It is no surprise that the younger generations are getting married late, and not to say having kids while they are still fighting for a career. It is however a totally different story altogether for those born in the 70s & 80s like myself. We are faced with the mentioned challenges on a daily basis.
Topics will always hover around work stress, promotions, paying off mortgages or even eyeing for the next property upgrade, striking a balance between work & family commitments, hiring helpers to look after the kids or not, and of course, making sure the kids are well taken care of in every aspect; education, food and emotional well-being etc.
As a mom of 3 kids, I’ll definitely want to give the best to them, especially in the area of healthy eating. We do have a helper whom has been with us for the past 2years, but her job is mainly on the cleanliness of the house and other general house chores. Though the trust is there, we are just not sure how well a meal she can come up with; is it to my kids taste buds, will it be a nutritious meal? Till date, all meals are personally prepared and cooked by myself after picking up the kids from schools!
However, my recent conversation with a colleague of mine over lunch makes her sit up and really look things from different perspectives.
‘’Save this 90mins of time and use it on more quality time with the kids just before bedtime’’ This is what my colleague should understand! Do away with the preparation and cooking of meals on weekdays! Do it on weekends if you want! And well, she has been doing this for the past 5 years, can’t really go much wrong, right?
I strongly recommended Lexin Catering which I have been using for years and there’s not a single hiccup till date! She’s surprised that caterers do house visits for meals delivery nowadays! Her thought of tingkat caterers is that they cater for events such as celebrations and so on. Not on house to house meals delivery!
She started to try this way of dinner catering delivery , a pretty strong advocate on this. Benefits far outweigh the cons; using the saved time to cater more quality time with the kids, meals are guaranteed with tingkat with no msg, meeting daily nutrients intake requirement and of course, no need to plan for the week meals!
She’s been using my recommendation for the past 5 months! Almost everything is to perfection; delivery time, food quality, varieties, service and so on.
I strongly recommend any mothers out that who are facing the same issue as me to take a leap of faith! Try tingkat catering so as for you to have more quality interactions with your kids! Le Xin Catering is one of the cheapest tingkat in Singapore and provide tingkat delivery in Singapore with no msg.


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