
Showing posts from March, 2021

Some of the playground supplier in Singapore

  As a kid, have you ever wondered where do playgrounds come from? We would first notice the whiteboards surrounding the construction being erected first, then a few months later comes the playground that magically appears out of nowhere. But kids being kids, there was nothing interesting about the origins of these playgrounds. We just want to play on this colourful and fancy equipment that could satisfy our desires for thrill and excitement.   Of course, these playgrounds don’t just appear randomly in the middle of nowhere. They are carefully planned and installed with the help of the  playground architect ,  playground supplier  and  playground builders  in Singapore to make them happen. Design and build a playground are definitely not easy. As a  playground designer , she has to keep in mind the surroundings before coming up with a design that can blend in or enhance the surrounding; natural or man-made. For most of us, these  playground b...